Life With Braces
WITH THE RIGHT PLAN - IT’S AN AWESOME EXPERIENCE Life with braces is much easier than it used to be, especially when you get your braces at Tighe Orthodontics. That’s because Dr. Tighe offers the latest technologies to every patient; many designed to make life with braces more comfortable.
THE FIRST FEW DAYS after each appointment there here might be some general tenderness of your teeth and mouth. Your teeth might even feel a little loose (after all – they are on the move.) You may want to take some form of pain reliever (what you would normally take for a headache) during this time. Tenderness usually subsides within a few days. Here are some helpful tips:
Helpful Tips
- We recommend you use a soft bristled tooth brush with a small head. Electric and sonic tooth brushes are also acceptable.
- Brush your teeth after meals and snacks.
- If you have eaten while away from home, use your interdental brush todislodge any food that may get caught around your braces.
- Rinsing with water is another way to dislodge food from your braces, and to keep sugar from sitting on your teeth.
- Floss your teeth at least once a day.
- We rcommend that you have a check up with your dentist every 6 months.